Syria: In January, 85 individuals from NGOs, local authorities and implementing partners participated in three capacity building training sessions on mental health and psychosocial support, genderbased violence, child protection, and principles of administrative and financial work. Additionally,
IOM launched a shelter rehabilitation project in Idleb aiming to provide safe and adequate shelter solutions to about 300 IDP families. -
Turkey: In January, IOM organized learning and educational, awareness-raising, and intercultural activities for refugee and host communities; over 4,000 Syrian refugees and Turkish host community members from Hatay and Istanbul participated.
Lebanon: During the reporting period, nearly 3,000 Syrian women, men, youth, and children participated in IOM’s psychosocial support activities including storytelling, recreational activities, and artistic mediation activities, and support group sessions. The psychosocial activities were organized at Dari Recreational and Counselling Centre in Baalback, Bekaa, and through outreach mobile teams in Bekaa and South of Lebanon.
Iraq: In January, equipment and tools were delivered to over 40 beneficiaries to help them set up their businesses in Erbil, Dohuk, and Sulaymaniyah. In addition, IOM in coordination with the Swedish Academy for Training is offering online English language courses at four camps in Erbil governorate: Basirma, Darashakran, Kawergosik, and Qushtapa.
Jordan: In coordination with WFP, UNHCR and UNICEF, IOM distributed non-food items to 15,500 Syrian refugee households living in Ruqban and Hadalat at the northeastern SyrianJordanian border.
Egypt: IOM assisted in the renovation and expansion of a medical centre in Cairo which provides free and lowcost medical services for Syrian refugees and host communities. Additionally, IOM provided over 3,300 individuals with non-food items.