This multi-sectoral needs assessment is part of a monthly data collection exercise which aims to gather information about needs and the humanitarian situation inside Syria. The factsheets present information collected in November 2017, referring to the situation in October 2017.
These factsheets present information at the community level for 17 sub-districts in Dar’a governorate. In Dar’a City, neighbourhoodlevel data was collected and information is presented at this level*.
Selected key indicators for the following sectors are included in the factsheets: displacement, shelter, NFIs, health, food security, WASH and education. The factsheets do not cover the entire range of indicators gathered in the questionnaire.
For full visualisation of all indicators collected, please see the SIMAWG Needs Identification Dynamic Reporting Tool, available here:
Methodology and limitations
These findings are based on data collected both directly and remotely (in Jordan) from Key Informants residing in the communities assessed.
Information was collected from Key Informants in 111 communities in 17 sub-districts of Dar’a governorate. For each question asked, confidence levels were assigned based on the Key Informant’s area of expertise and knowledge of the sector-specific situation.
For a full description of the methodology, please see the Terms of Reference, available on the REACH Resource Centre.