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Humanitarian Situation Overview in Syria (HSOS): Northwest Syria, December 2020


Introduction and Methodology

HSOS is a monthly assessment that provides comprehensive, multi-sectoral information about the humanitarian conditions and priority needs inside Syria. This factsheet presents a thematic review based on the HSOS assessment of the priority needs and humanitarian assistance, economic conditions, living conditions, access to basic services, COVID-19 situation, and security and protection situation in Northwest Syria. Sector-specific indicator findings by location can be found on the HSOS dashboard.

The assessment is conducted using a key informant (KI) methodology at the community level. REACH enumerators are based inside Syria and interview three to six KIs per assessed location, either directly or remotely (via phone). KIs are chosen based on their community-level and sectorspecific knowledge. This factsheet presents information gathered in 738 communities across the greater Idleb area (354 communities) and northern Aleppo area (384 communities). Data was collected between 2-15 of December 2020 from 2,710 KIs (19% female). Unless specified by an endnote, all indicators refer to the situation in the 30 days prior to data collection (November/ December 2020). Findings are indicative rather than representative, and should not be generalized across the population and region. Findings that are calculated based on a subset of the community are indicated by the following footnote ♦, with each subset specified in the endnotes.

The complete monthly HSOS dataset is available on the REACH Resource Centre