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FCA Syria country office temporarily suspending activities in Aleppo, Hama, and Homs

Statement by Mazen Khzouz, Finn Church Aid (FCA) Syria and Jordan Director on the escalation of violence in Syria.

DAMASCUS, SYRIA, DECEMBER 4TH, 2024. Aleppo, which hosts one of Finn Church Aid’s (FCA) field offices and supports extended operations elsewhere in northern Syria, is currently facing intense clashes and conflict. Due to the volatile security situation and the high likelihood of further escalation of violence, FCA is temporarily suspending its humanitarian operations in Aleppo, Hama and Homs. This decision is being closely monitored by the management team in Damascus.

Syrians cannot afford to experience another tragedy

Currently, there is no clarity on the trajectory of events or how the situation will ultimately unfold.

Aleppo is a big city with a population of more than 2 million. There are thousands of people stuck in the middle of the fighting and no knowledge of any humanitarian corridors or whether or not people can leave to safer areas or have access to any basic needs like food and water.

The humanitarian needs in Syria remain high. The current situation is expected to further impair the suffering of millions of civilians already affected by the conflict and crisis that began more than 14 years ago.

Thousands have fled their homes over the past few days from northern Syria, with over 6,000 families now arriving in the capital Damascus.

FCA Syria operation and staff security

While all FCA Syria staff are physically safe, their mental and psychological well-being has been deeply impacted, especially those in Aleppo and Hama who are reliving the psychological traumas from years of conflict. However, FCA Syria operations will continue in Damascus and Lattakia.

Our greatest concern is that the renewed conflict, particularly in Aleppo and Hama, may jeopardise the significant efforts made over the years to help children return to education through protection initiatives and other programs.

So far, FCA has not received any reports of damage to the facilities or schools we have rehabilitated. However, the lack of access and limited information makes it challenging to provide accurate updates.

We remain hopeful that the dignity and right to life of all individuals will be respected, and that no more lives will be lost to the ongoing violence.