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Farmers Harvest Over 99,700 MT of Wheat Under SRTF-Funded Projects and Interventions Across Northern Syria

Amman – Saturday, 22 July 2023 – The SRTF announces the successful harvest of 99,700 MT of wheat under its agriculture sector, which supports Syrian farmers across three governorates in Northern Syria.

This abundant amount of wheat was harvested by 12,438 farmers in 51 Farmers’ Cooperatives, who planted a total of 26,321 hectares (HA) of land, in Northeast and Northwest Syria, bringing the average wheat yield for 2023 to 3.79 MT/HA.

The SRTF’s support for the agriculture sector inside Syria is achieved through multi-phased projects and interventions, aiming to increase the production of wheat, enhance the quality and production of crops, improve living conditions and attain greater food security in the areas of operation. This is accomplished through the delivery of agricultural inputs and equipment, including machines, high-quality seeds, agrochemicals and fertilisers, combined with technical and financial services covering various topics to build farmers’ knowledge and capacities, thereby resulting in increased and better-quality crop production.

Ahmad, a farmer beneficiary, told us: “This year’s harvest is great compared to the previous years, thank God. Farmers’ conditions were very poor in this area. Upon receiving support from the SRTF, the general conditions improved, as well as our economic conditions.”

The SRTF’s Director General, Eng. Hani Khabbaz, said: “The substantial harvest of 99,700 MT of wheat in Northern Syria is a testament to the remarkable success of the SRTF-funded support to wheat farmers since 2018. The SRTF has laid a strong foundation for farmers to thrive and enhance their capabilities over the past years. Undeniably, the agriculture sector holds immense significance in securing people's livelihoods and fostering sustainability. By strengthening economic conditions, the SRTF projects and interventions will contribute to the overall well-being and long-term stability and prosperity of the targeted communities.”

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