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Fact Sheet: Child Protection in Syria, January - June 2024


58,613 children and caregivers benefited from awareness-raising sessions

5,327 children benefited from case management services

207 child protection community-based structures supported

Case management

UNHCR’s approach to child protection aims to engage with children to protect them from harm and ensure that case managers make inclusive decisions together with the children and their caretakers in the children’s best interests. This is done through working closely with families and communities to address child protection concerns and identify solutions.

By the end of June 2024, 46% of the children who received case management services were returnees, either refugee returnees or internally displaced returnees. The main protection risks faced by children were child labour, child neglect, and violence against children.

During the first half of 2024, a total of 5,327 children received individual case management services. The services included sessions with the children and their caretakers to assess their needs and risks, referrals to specialized service providers (such as education classes, medical services, psychosocial support, and livelihood opportunities for caregivers) where needed, and follow-up plans of action with caregivers and other stakeholders. The plans of action included interventions with teachers and employers, medical and general in-kind assistance, and child-friendly space activities. The case management services holistically address child protection concerns and respond to the needs by coordinating required assistance in line with the best interests of the child.


Awareness-raising is a fundamental component of UNHCR’s child protection strategy, as it enhances the community awareness of protection risks faced by children, as well as identifies abusive behaviour towards children. Awareness-raising aims to initiate behavioural change within communities against the normalization of child abuse, recognize and respect the rights of children, empower communities to respond to child protection concerns and inform caregivers as well as communities in general about the available child protection services.

During the first half of 2024, UNHCR and its partners conducted awareness-raising sessions reaching 58,613 persons (48,258 children and 10,355 caregivers). The sessions were conducted on various topics including the rights of children, violence against children, harmful effects of dropping out of school, child recruitment, child neglect, mine risk education, child labour, and parenting skills.

Among those children reached, 21,618 children participated in recreational activities implemented mainly in the 83 supported Child-Friendly Spaces, or in schools and other safe spaces in the community. Recreational activities focus on the physical and psychological wellbeing of children, through engaging in various physical and artistic interactive activities with messages on physical safety, prevention of harmful practices such as smoking, and reinforcing positive coping mechanism