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Syria + 1 more

Europe can do more to help Syria’s refugees – Germany calls for conference to increase the numbers of refugees from Syria resettled to EU countries

Brussels, 9 May 2014. ECRE strongly supports yesterday’s call by the German Parliament for an EU conference on resettlement of refugees from Syria. This conference would enable EU Member States to make concrete resettlement commitments to offer refugees fleeing Syria a safe haven in Europe.

“An increased and concerted effort from all EU Member States to ensure that more refugees fleeing the persisting conflict in Syria can reach Europe in a safe and legal manner would be a clear sign of EU solidarity with Syria’s refugees and Syria’s neighbouring countries that are bearing the brunt of this crisis. Now EU Member States must rally behind this call and unite to make meaningful commitments to resettle refugees fleeing Syria,” said Michael Diedring,
ECRE Secretary General.

Germany has committed to resettle 10,000 persons fleeing Syria. Other EU Member States together have committed to resettle around 5,000 refugees from Syria. For the years 2015-2016, UNHCR considers that 100,000 refugees will need to find a safe haven through resettlement or other forms of admission.

ECRE together with over 100 partners in 34 countries is currently running the Europe Act Now #HelpSyriasRefugees campaign calling on European leaders to ensure protection in Europe for refugees fleeing the Syrian war. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres, the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muiznieks, several Members of the European Parliament along with over 5,000 people across Europe are calling on Europe to Act Now to #HelpSyriasRefugees by giving refugees a safe way into Europe, reuniting families torn apart by the crisis and protecting the refugees arriving at Europe’s borders. Safe and legal access to protection for the refugees can be assured by significantly increasing the number of resettlement and humanitarian admission places throughout all of Europe. People can encourage their governments to increase its commitment to help Syria’s refugees by signing the campaign petition.

ECRE – European Council on Refugees and Exiles
Ana López Fontal - Senior Press and Public Information Officer
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