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Encouraged by Syrians ‘Sitting Together in Same Room’, Secretary-General Calls for United Drive to Advance Political Process after Six-Year War


The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General António Guterres:

The Secretary-General is encouraged that the Syrians, who have accepted the United Nations invitation to be in Geneva in the context of the resumption of the intra-Syrian talks, sat together in the same room today. He commends the work of his Special Envoy in bringing this about and for resuming the talks. He appreciates the presence of the members of the Security Council and the International Syria Support Group at today’s welcoming and underlines the importance of international unity behind the United Nations-led political process in the weeks and months ahead.

After six years of bloodshed, the Secretary-General urges the Syrians who have accepted the invitation to be in Geneva to engage in good faith as the Special Envoy seeks to facilitate the process. While acknowledging that progress will not be easy, the Secretary-General believes strongly that only a political solution can bring peace to Syria and that all those Syrians who have committed themselves to this goal should redouble their efforts for peace.

For information media. Not an official record.