On December 18, the Government of Japan decided to extend Emergency Grant Aid of 7.2 million US dollars for vulnerable refugees and internally displaced people, facing humanitarian crisis inside Syria.
1 . This will provide humanitarian assistance such as provisdion of food, winter clothing kits, and package of house repairs, as well as assistance in the areas of WASH, and health, through the World Food Programme (WFP), the United Naitions Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Chieldren’s Fund (UNICEF), the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
2 . The expected outcome of this assistance is as follows:
- Provision of food to approx. 480,000 people.
- Provision of Non food items for winterization to approx. 5,400 children.
- Approx. 43,000 people will have improved access to safe water and electricity.
- Inprovement of access to water and electricity through renovating water/hygiene facilities for 50 elementary schools, 6 primary health care facilities, and 5 forensic facilities, and provision of medical equipments.
- Improvement of medical and health services to approx. 7,000 people through providing them with medical equipments,
- Provision of package of house repairs for winterization to approx. 2,600 people.
3 . Japan will continue to work closely with the international community toward the settlement of Syrian crisis through improving the humanitarian situation in Syria and advancing the UN-facilitated political process.
[Reference] Amount of assistance by international organizations
Assistance through WFP : 3.6 million
Assistance through UNRWA : 1.8 million
Assistance through UNHCR : 0.95 million
Assistance through UNICEF: 0.3 million
Assistance through OCHA : 0.05 million
Assistance through ICRC : 0.5 million