Background and methodology
The aim of the Emergency Needs Tracking (ENT) System is to track the key priority needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in northwest Syria, as well as identifying communities with households in direct need of humanitarian assistance. The ENT assesses communities that have experienced any of the following in the three days prior to data collection: more than 40 IDP arrivals, natural hazards (including storms, fires, and flooding), conflict escalation, or any other event which impacts humanitarian needs. This information should serve to better inform immediate humanitarian operations, as well as provide a wider contextual understanding of the ongoing situation. As the humanitarian situation remains complex, it is critical to fill information gaps across sectors to ensure a well-coordinated humanitarian response. Data was collected between 14 September and 20 September (excluding Friday and Saturday). Information was collected via a Key Informant (KI) methodology with one KI interview conducted per community. Findings should be considered indicative only. 142 communities including 9 camps were assessed overall across northern Aleppo and Idleb governorates. The full dashboard can be accessed here and the full catalogue of datasets can be accessed here.