Our spokesperson Chris Gunness has the following to say on the situation in Yarmouk Camp
"UNRWA distributed food parcels to 408 civilian families in Yarmouk on 11 May, the third day of distribution after clashes on 8 May prevented access to the area. The UNRWA team arrived at the Bateekhah northern entrance to Yarmouk at 11:00 and was permitted to commence distribution inside Yarmouk at 11:50. The operation continued in an orderly manner until 15:45, when the authorities signalled an end to distribution.
"UNRWA expresses gratitude to the Syrian authorities for facilitating today's distribution in Yarmouk. In order to address the desperate humanitarian situation of over 18,000 trapped civilians, this encouraging pace of food distribution must rise in the coming days. UNRWA reiterates its appeal to concerned parties to authorise the distribution of an expanded range of humanitarian assistance, particularly medicines, medical supplies and hygiene kits.
"To ensure that continuous, substantial and safe humanitarian access is indefinitely ensured, UNRWA demands that all parties cease hostilities and seek to resolve their differences exclusively by peaceful means."