Mercy Corps continues to deliver life-saving humanitarian aid into Syria, but our efforts are threatened by an even greater escalation of violence in the last two days.
"We must ask again, why wait a week for this urgently needed cessation of hostilities?" says Dalia Al-Awqati, Mercy Corps Director of Programs for North Syria, "Each delay places innocent civilians at greater risk and impedes our efforts to support the half a million people who depend on us for food and other essential supplies."
We are swiftly making efforts to deliver supplies as we are able, depending on the security situation. Since Friday we have delivered:
Food kits that will support 31,000 people for one month in Aleppo City.
Flour that will supply low-cost bread for 61,000 people in Azaz district. We offer the flour for free to bakeries with the agreement that they set a affordable low price.
Dalia Al-Awqati and I are in Gaziantep and available for interviews or other information needs. I can best be reached via email to or on my US mobile or What’s App +1.202.394.1712.
Sr. Global Communications Officer
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