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Cash Working Group Northwest Syria Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) Dataset: April 2023


Regional price monitoring and market functionality key findings:

  • In April 2023, the regional SMEB was recorded to be 1,192,947 SYP (156 USD), which represents a +4 % increase for the SYP price since March. The regional SMEB Food Component was recorded as 869,667 SYP (114 USD), representing an increase of +4% for the SYP price since March.

  • The informal USD/SYP exchange rate was recorded as 7,630 SYP, representing a +2% change since March. The informal USD/TRY exchange rate was recorded as 19.6 TRY, representing a +2% change since March.

  • 67% of surveyed vendors reported only accepting TRY in their shop, +10 percentage point change (‘ppc’) since March.

  • Surveyed vendors were asked if items were available or unavailable in their community/neighborhood. Manually refined Petrol (56% unavailability, +7 ppc since March) and manually refined kerosene (69% unavailability, -2 ppc since March) was reported to be widely unavailable across NWS. Bread, flour, and all other SMEB items were reported as widely available across NWS

  • 61% of surveyed vendors reported facing supply challenges, +1 ppc since March. Price inflation (57 %, +1 ppc since March) was the most commonly reported supply challenge by surveyed vendors across NWS.

  • Finally, more than half of all vendors reported having limited stock of the 5 and 10 USD denominations.

In NWS for April 2023, 10 districts / 36 sub-districts / 113 communities were covered, reaching a total of 4,115 shops, with 12 partners supporting data collection.

We invite you to view this data on the interactive JMMI dashboard which is updated a couple of days after the dataset is published. This is the easiest place to see the current SMEB price and includes the prices of different SMEB components and transport fuel on all aggregation levels and different currencies. Use the drop down menus on the left hand side to select the data and area you are interested in and view the regional values and selected data on the right hand side.

Many thanks to all partners of the CWG who supported with data collection. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.