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ACAPS Anticipatory Note: Syria - Cross-border Resolution Expiration (21 July 2023)


Syria: cross-border resolution expiration

On 11 July 2023, the UN Security Council failed to reauthorize the cross-border mechanism for delivery of humanitarian aid into NWS after the mandate’s expiry on 10 July.

Key considerations:

  • Since the expiry of the mandate, UN agencies have not accessed the Bab Al Hawa crossing point and cannot do so without a UN Security Council mandate.

  • If the stalemate persists, especially after the UN’s prepositioned supplies run out, people in need in NWS could go without life-saving humanitarian aid.

  • For a chance at an effective response without the UN, local NGOs must be provided with rapid funding and support to increase their operational capacity.

  • Failure to find a solution will result in increased humanitarian needs and undermine recovery efforts from the recent earthquakes.