GLIDE n=B0 FL-2008-000095-SUR
Period covered by this Final Report: 27 June 2008 to 27 February 2009.
Appeal target (current): CHF 911,135 (USD 751,235 or EUR 592,038);
Final Appeal coverage: 100%;
Appeal history:
- This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 27 June 2008 for CHF 381,174 (USD 363,022 or EUR 234,280) for six months to assist 3,000 families (15,000 beneficiaries).
- CHF 140,000 was initially allocated from the Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support the National Society in responding by delivering assistance.
- Revised Emergency Appeal launched on 27 July 2008 for CHF 844,295 (USD 815,122 or EUR 518,784) to include an additional relief distribution and additional capacity building activities.
- Revised budget and extended time frame on 23 January 2009, from CHF 844,295 to CHF 911,135 (USD 751,235 or EUR 592,038), to reflect the additional funds received for an additional 2 months, until 27 February 2009 to continue the recovery and rehabilitation activities.
Summary: The 2008 rainy season caused the second major flooding in the interior of Suriname in recent history. It is estimated that 5,000 families were affected by the floods, which destroyed homes and crops.
From the onset of the emergency the Suriname Red Cross (SRC), responded immediately to affected families with hygiene promotion and relief distributions. The Federation activated response mechanisms and released DREF funds for immediate support to the National Society.
After assessments were carried out, the SRC developed a Plan of Action to assist 3,000 families in the regions and an international emergency appeal was launched. The main actions carried out within the operation included the distribution of food parcels, buckets, jerry cans, chlorine tablets and planting materials. Also, activities were carried out on community nutrition, improved agriculture techniques, and risk reduction trainings, and SRC capacity-building. The International Federation through its Pan American Disaster Response Unit (PADRU) and the Caribbean Regional Representation Office (CRRO) have provided ongoing support to the SRC throughout the operation.
During the closure of the operation, an internal evaluation was carried out highlighting lessons learnt. An important factor in the success of the operation was the effective implementation of the recommendations given after the 2006 flooding operation. Many of the SRC volunteers and staff participated in both events. Logistical challenges included difficulties reaching the flood affected communities because of rough river conditions and the availability and reliability of transporters via plane and boat. This meant that distributions took more time and that beneficiaries were unnecessarily detained from their daily routines.
The International Federation would like to thank the generous contributions to the Appeal including those from the European Commission for Humanitarian Aid (ECHO), the Canadian Red Cross, the Japanese Red Cross, the Kuwait Red Cross and the Netherlands Red Cross. ECHO contributed over 70 per cent of the funding for this Appeal.
The American Red Cross (AmCross) kindly contributed by sending two IT delegates to install a HF (high frequency) radio and train the Suriname Red Cross in its use and maintenance. AmCross also donated a laptop and two GPSs to the SRC.
Moreover, Alcoa made a bilateral contribution to the Suriname Red Cross. This direct contribution was fundamental for the completion of activities included in the Plan of Action, and are not reflected in the overall expenditures presented in the attached financial report. The small remaining balance from this operation will be allocated to the general appeal for the Caribbean.