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WHO Sets Up Health Economies Centre In Sudan

KHARTOUM, Sudan (PANA) - The World Health Organisation has set up a centre for health economies research in Sudan.
The Health Economies Centre will collect and process data on the economies of health in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

It will seek to promote research in health economy and qualify specialised cadres through organised training and research programmes.

"The centre will operate along the regulations of the faculty of graduate studies at the University of Khartoum, and will grant post-graduate degrees in health economies," its director, Mohammed Hashim Awad, said.

Awad, a former dean of the university's faculty of economics, added that "the centre will watch the health situation and its developments in the region and reflect this in a number of periodicals it intends to publish, and in the regional media."

It will also furnish academic and official bodies with data they need for the promulgation of policies and strategies related to health economies.


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