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WHO Country Office in Sudan: Darfur Weekly Progress Report, 26 Jun - 2 Jul 2005

Mortality Survey Results

Preliminary results of the 2nd Crude Mortality Survey show significant improvement of the health situation in Darfur.

The crude mortality rate was calculated to be 0.8 deaths per 10,000 people per day in Darfur. This figure is below the threshold of one death per 10,000 people per day, as is common in humanitarian crises and also shows a large reduction compared with the crude mortality rate to be 1.5 deaths per 10,000 people per day in North Darfur, and 2.9 in West Darfur from the first mortality survey, conducted a year earlier.

The results of the Mortality Survey 2005 clearly demonstrate that international humanitarian assistance has made a dramatic impact in Darfur. However, the humanitarian situation remains fragile.

The survey needs still to be completed in South Darfur and the full report with detailed analysis is expected to be released by the end of July 2005.

Outbreak information

Acute Respiratory Infections still remains the major cause of morbidity while Severe Malnutrition was the most commonly reported cause of death in Darfur over the past week.

The overall attack rate of bloody diarrhoea in Greater Darfur shows a significant increase.

Although high risk season for malaria in Sudan is from May to November, a relatively low attack rate of malaria continues to persist.

WHO tasks and programmes

Improved access to hospital care and referral systems

North Darfur

Rehabilitation of hospitals

The rehabilitation works on the new Outpatient Department at El Fasher Teaching Hospital have been initiated and are expected to be completed in October 2005.

West Darfur

Rehabilitation of hospitals

The opening ceremony of the extension of the Obstetrical ward and Obstetric and Gynaecology Theatre, constructed by Mercy Malaysia, the rehabilitation of the old Obstetrical ward by SC US, the Specialist Consultation Department and the New Casualty Department, constructed by the State Ministry of Health (SMoH) at El Geneina Hospital will be organized for the 5th of July.

Action points

WHO is planning the rehabilitation of the drug warehouse and a revision of the rehabilitation work done of the laboratory at El Geneina Hospital.

South Darfur

Rehabilitation of hospitals

At Nyala en Eddiaen Hospitals respectively 328 and 227 patients received free medical services.

Communicable disease control and surveillance & outbreak response

North Darfur

Bloody Diarrhoea

Bloody diarrhoea cases are showing a slight increase in percentage of consultations relative to the past few weeks, especially in Kabkabiya and Abu Shoak localities.


Nine cases of suspected meningitis were reported in this week. Six of these cases were reported from Abu Shoak IDP camp.

Action point

WHO is following up on four samples of suspected meningitis that have been sent for laboratory verification to the National Public Health Laboratory in Khartoum.

Case investigation into one case of Neonatal Tetanus that was reported from Saraf Omra will be initiated.

West Darfur

Bloody Diarrhoea

The weekly attack rate increased from 17.7 cases per 10,000 reported to 21.1 cases per 10,000. Cases were reported from Morni, Nertiti, El Geneina and Durti IDP camps.

South Darfur

Bloody Diarrhoea

Cases of bloody diarrhoea have shown an increase trend this week, incidence rate 22.2 cases/10,000 population.


Only one case of measles was reported from Kalma camp. The expected steady decrease in risk of transmission is in accord with the localized vaccination campaign conducted by MSF-Holland targeting children between 9 months and 15 years.

Improved access to primary health care and environmental health

North Darfur

Access to Primary Health Care

31 Nurses and midwives were trained on counselling of victims of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and patients infected with HIV/AIDS. The training was organised in coordination with SMoH, WHO and UNFPA.

An estimated total of 10,725 IDPs have moved from Abu Shoak IDP camp to the newly installed Al Salam Camp. The NGOs IRC and GRC are providing basic health care services to the population.

West Darfur

Access to Primary Health Care

The Health Facilities Assessment Questionnaire was finalized by WHO, including comments provided after the field test conducted jointly with SMoH and UNFPA.

Action point

WHO is exploring suitable mechanisms to sensitize the urban population on HIV/AIDS, jointly with UNFPA.

WHO has proposed to start sensitization campaign for Health Workers about risk factors regarding HIV/AIDS transmission.

Environmental health

The Clean Up Campaign of El Geneina Town is ongoing. A dumping pit of approximately 30 meters length, 2 mts depth and 2 mts wide has already been dug.

Action point

WHO is supporting the planning of a quick assessment at Krinding IDP Camp to identify the number of latrines that are required to be constructed to minimize the hazard of contamination because of the satiated latrine. The assessment will be implemented jointly with WES and the NGOs IRC and SC-US.

WHO is following up on the finalization of the cholera preparedness plan.

South Darfur

Access to Primary Health Care

A Health Facility assessment is planned for next week to measure the quality and availability of health personnel and services at Primary Health Care facilities. The assessment will be done in collaboration with SMoH, WHO and the NGOs World Vision and ARC.

Environmental health

WHO developed a Monitoring and Evaluation tool for the assessment of the effect of Deltamethrin 25% WP (a synthetic pyrethroid) on the population density of domestic houseflies in Kalma IDP camp. Houseflies were collected from randomly selected business premises (shops and restaurants), human dwellings (huts and shelters), latrines, animal shades, slaughter and garbage sites and open places in 8 sectors of Kalma camp. Over 283 traps made from half cuts of empty bottles hung in an upward position with a piece of cloth smeared with sugary water inside to attract houseflies were placed inside and/or outside of the above selected sentinel sites to collect houseflies. Both dead and living houseflies found inside and outside the traps were counted. Data analysis will be done after one week of data collection.

Action point

WHO is supporting the SMoH Malaria control program in the development of a malaria control project proposal for Nyala town, focusing on the use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs), Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) and larviciding of breeding places.

WHO is programming rodent control activities using rodenticide in Musse IDP camp because of a reported increase in population density of rodents.

Further information:

Sacha Bootsma, Communication Officer