North Darfur
- El-Fasher remains in phase III
- OCHA negotiating for release of 5 members of local NGO, ITDG and Saudi Red Crescent.
- 2 vehicles released this week from the 5 seized during polio campaign.
- Landmines confirmed by AU in Kutum area
- Banditry incidents occurring in roads out of El Fasher
West Darfur
- Zallingi remains in phase III
- Jabel Marrar remains a NO GO area for UN agencies
- Zallingi-Nertiti road is a NO GO area
- 3 NGO staff were arrested in Morni camp but later released
- Geneina-Morni, Masteri-Kongo Harza Beida-Arara are all NO GO areas
South Darfur
WHO tasks and programmes
Information sharing and Co-ordination Management
North Darfur
SLA humanitarian contact met with WHO to discuss activities to be conducted in the state
Meeting took place between Malteser and IRC to review training activities in SLA areas
West Darfur
WHO/UNICEF/MoH are drafting a Comprehensive Analysis report of Eastern Darfur
South Darfur
Improved access to hospital care and referral systems
North Darfur
Rehabilitation of out patient department is in progress
West Darfur
WHO will assess Zallingi hospital in late July/early August to determine the hospital need and priority areas.
UNICEF will support a PHC in Beija (between Zallingi and Deleij)
NCA/ACT/CARITAS will carry out vector control activities in Zallingi in collaboration with MoH and WHO to start in August
WHO dispatching a vector control specialist to Zallingi
WHO donated one complete Italian Trauma kit to El geneina hospital
South Darfur
- 358 IDPs received medical care in 3 hospitals last week
- Drug supply reached Nyala Teaching hospital on 12th July
- X-ray machine delivered to Nyala hospital
- Bidding will start for the bills of quantity for new pharmacy
- Drugs for El Daein hospital have been sent via WFP flight
Communicable Disease Control and Surveillance & Outbreak Response
North Darfur
Decrease in number of bloody diarrhea cases (428 compared to 493 in previous reporting week)
Continued decrease in acute jaundice syndrome for 6 weeks running
5th round of the 13th polio NID took place but not all areas were covered
West Darfur
NCA, MSF-F and IMC reported increased malaria and diarrhea cases
Preparedness plans for cholera outbreaks underway. WHO working to translate material on cholera outbreak control into Arabic
Vector control materials was supplied to SC-US in order to conduct spraying of houseflies in Forbaranga and Gumaza Babiker camps
South Darfur
One case of measles reported from El Seref camp in Nyala
One suspected case of flaccid paralysis from Muhajuria, Shareia locality
Slight in crease of bloody diarrhea cases (incidence rate 18.2 against 16.1 cases/10000 population last week)
WHO in collaboration with UNICEF and NGOs is conducting cholera preparation plans
Improved Access to Primary Health Care and Environmental Health
North Darfur
Spraying programmes for vector control in IDP camps is under preparation by SMoH. WHO is supporting Spanish Red Cross.
Work shop on clinical management of rape was organized by SMoH with support of WHO/UNFPA/UNAIDS. 15 medical doctors from camps and El Fasher hospital attended
West Darfur
Plans for extension and rehabilitation of wastewater facilities at the hospital were approved
WHO team started sanitary inspection at Al Riyad camp, targeting various water supply and water storage facilities at the camp.
South Darfur
3 water test kits have been handed to SMoH as agreed
Meeting took place between Environmental Health Director SMoH and WHO. Focused on plans to manage solid waste in camps and the urgent need for an environmental health sanitation plan for Nyala town and camps
Situational analysis of Otash and Musse IDP camps identified the problem with flies. Intensive hygiene promotion is needed.
WHO in collaboration with SMOH/FMOH finalized the follow up monitoring and supervision of 20 out of 32 health staff trained in May 2005.
WHO and SMoH IMCI focal point conducted a drug inventory for all health facilities implementing the IMCI programme. WHO plans to supply the missing drugs/supplies.
WHO delivered supplies to Spanish Red Cross in support of the two laboratories in Kalma and Bilel IDP camps.
Programme Management
North Darfur
Planned field missions for the coming week: Kutum and Mallit, Um Kadada and Kabkabiya
West Darfur
South Darfur