In Numbers
2.7 million people assisted (September 2020)
16,144 metric tons of food assistance distributed
US$ 829,882 of cash-based transfers US$ 127.6 million six months net funding requirements (November 2020 – April 2021)
Operational Updates
• In collaboration with the Government of Sudan and partners, as of mid-October WFP provided emergency food assistance to over 120,000 floods affected people in Khartoum, North Darfur, Sennar, East Darfur, White Nile and Kassala States and plans to reach 247,000 people with two-week emergency food rations in response to the devastating floods. Latest updates on the WFP floods response can be found here.
Where no nutrition services are available, WFP aims to provide blanket supplementary feeding to children under five years, pregnant and lactating women affected by the floods. WFP has provided emergency nutrition assistance to over 3,000 children under five, pregnant and nursing women as part of the flood response.
Since the start of flood season, WFP has participated in 21 assessment missions to guide WFP flood response and identify people who are most in need.
When access was made difficult by the floods, WFP managed UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) enabled access to affected areas to perform interagency rapid needs assessments.
• Despite the logistical challenges posed by the heavy rains, WFP continues to provide life-saving food and nutrition assistance to ensure critical support reach the people in need. Distributions include precautionary measures to minimize risks of COVID-19 transmission. More than 2.2 million people were reached with September life-saving food assistance (in-kind food or cash-based transfers¹) across 14 states. Over 265,000 children 6-59 months of age, pregnant and breastfeeding women received nutrition assistance in September.
• School meals in Sudan are a strong incentive for parents to send their children to school. Due to COVID-19, schools have been closed. To ensure that school children meet their food and nutritional requirements and encourage families to send children back to school once they reopen, WFP, in collaboration with partners, delivered so far take home rations (THR) in lieu of on-site school meals to 673,000 primary school students across 10 states.