In Numbers
1.86 m people assisted in September 2019
5,237 mt of food assistance distributed
US$1,908,802 cash-based transfers made
US$47 million six month net funding requirements (November 2019 – April 2020)
Operational Updates
• WFP collaborated with the Ministry of Education to finalize the submission of data for the global school meals survey conducted by the Global Child Nutrition Forum (GCNF). This survey focuses on monitoring the progress and challenges in school feeding globally, the results of which will be presented at the GCNF Conference in December.
• WFP has successfully negotiated to continue assistance and provide SCOPE registration to IDPs in camps located in South and North Darfur. Following community agreement, WFP registered over 50 percent of the IDPs in Kalma Camp (South Darfur) which hosts 109,000 people through SCOPE. It’s anticipated that SCOPE activities in ZamZam Camp (North Darfur) will resume by March 2020.
• On September 2, 14 partners signed a Memorandum of Agreement on Universal Salt Iodization. WFP has been providing technical and financial support to this process through the EU-funded “Inclusive and Sustainable Value Chains and Food Fortification Project”. The parties agree to commit to encourage sustainable universal salt iodization in Sudan and help eliminate iodine deficiency disorders. In Sudan, 22% of the population is affected by Iodine Deficiency Disorder, the single greatest preventable cause of mental retardation; it is estimated that 200,000 children born are at risk. In 2019, WFP has procured 2,484 mt of iodised salt to include in our food baskets.
• Data analysis of The Cost of Hunger in Africa study for Sudan has been completed. The results shows that Sudan loses US$2 billion annually as a result of hunger.
Launch of the results is planned for mid-November 2019.
• In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, WFP finalized the submission of data for the “Global Survey of School Meal Programs” conducted by the Global Child Nutrition Forum. This survey focuses on monitoring the progress and challenges in school feeding globally. The results will be presented at the GCNF Conference in December.