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WFP Sudan Country Brief, October 2020


In Numbers

3 million people assisted

28,677 metric tons of food assistance distributed

US$ 5.6 million of cash-based transfers

US$ 153.1 million six months net funding requirements (November 2020 – April 2021)

Operational Updates

• In October, WFP continued to provide life-saving food and nutrition assistance to ensure critical support reach the people in need. 2.7 million people were reached with life-saving food assistance (in-kind food or cash-based transfers) across 14 states. 220,000 children 6-59 months of age, pregnant and breastfeeding women received nutrition assistance in October. Distributions include precautionary measures to minimize risks of COVID-19 transmission.

• In the context of high inflation and sustained increase in food prices, the value of WFP cash-based transfers for general food assistance and food assistance for assets has been revised upwards in October (effective November), to ensure that beneficiaries continue to receive an adequate level of assistance.

• WFP and partners provided food and nutrition support to families hit the hardest by the floods that ravaged the country the previous months. WFP flood response was finalized in November, reaching over 250,000 floods affected people with emergency food assistance in Khartoum, North Darfur, Sennar, East Darfur, West Darfur, Red Sea, White Nile, North Kordofan, West Kordofan and Kassala States. WFP also provided emergency nutrition assistance to over 3,000 children under five, pregnant and nursing women as part of the flood response. In the words of one resident of Tamakkanat, White Nile, “The floods affected the entire village, not just a few people. In the past, when you had something, you shared it with your brother who did not have it. This time however, nobody had anything to share with others. Our village could have suffered a lot if had not been for WFP’s intervention.”

• WFP is on the ground to address the immediate food needs of Ethiopian refugees seeking safety in Sudan, following the escalation of the conflict in the Tigray region of Ethiopia on 4 November. WFP is also providing fuel and logistics support for the response of the humanitarian community – setting-up storage capacity for food and other vital supplies; and supporting transportation of humanitarian responders to the affected areas with the UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS).