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WFP Sudan Country Brief, August 2020


In Numbers

2.2 million people assisted August 2020

18,538 metric tons of food assistance distributed US$ 13.8 million cash-based transfers

US$ 86 million six months net funding requirements (October 2020 – March 2021)

Operational Updates • In view of the rapidly deteriorating food security situation, WFP plans to gradually scale up its emergency interventions through unconditional food assistance targeting an additional 2.5 million people by the end of 2020. The scale-up has started in Jebel Marra (Central Darfur), reaching over 260,000 residents with food assistance.

• Following floods in various parts of the country, WFP participated in rapid inter-agency assessment missions to the affected states and subsequently delivered food and nutrition assistance to 3,500 people in White Nile and North Darfur. WFP is also preparing to deliver emergency assistance to 16,265 people in East Darfur.

• In the context of hyperinflation, which reached 167 percent in August, and the doubling of the price of the local food basket since January, WFP increased the cash-based transfer values for general food assistance, food assistance for assets, productive safety nets (PSN) and take-home rations. This will ensure that the targeted people continue to receive an adequate level of assistance. The gap between the official and parallel exchange rates widened further to a staggering 213 percent with a significant impact on the price of imports, including for food and agricultural inputs, thereby putting additional pressure on people’s purchasing power and operational running costs.

• Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 outbreak, WFP continues to provide food assistance (in-kind food or cash-based transfers) and nutrition to ensure critical support reach the people in need.

• Close to 550,000 primary school students have received take-home rations in the ongoing implementation of take-home rations in lieu of on-site school meals, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic school closure. WFP plans to reach all 900,000 school students currently registered under their school feeding programme before the reopening of schools.

• After the end of COVID lockdown restrictions,
WFP’s retail partner resumed its ‘Vitamino’ sales and promotion activities in 75 percent of the pharmacies, ensuring access to these micronutrient powders for children under-five, and preventing micronutrient deficiencies.

• A State of Emergency was declared in Kassala State from 26 to 28 August, restricting all movements, including of humanitarian workers. Upon the Government’s Security Authorities request, WFPmanaged United Nations Humanitarian Air Services (UNHAS) temporarily halted flights to the Kassala and Port Sudan from 31 August to allow time for assessment of the situation. Flights resumed on 6 September.

• In response to clashes in West Darfur and North Darfur, WFP provided emergency food and nutrition assistance to 2,268 newly displaced people in Fata Borno (North Darfur), 14,496 people in Geneina in (West Darfur), and 6,750 people in Mastery town (West Darfur).