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WFP Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS) - West Darfur State: Round 11 (November 2011)


Executive Summary

• Data collection was jointly conducted with the state Ministry of Agriculture in November which the beginning of the harvest period, with a total of 690 interviewed households in 22 locations.

• The overall food security situation in West Darfur has deteriorated in November 2011 for all population groups compared to May 2011 and Nov 2010.

• Gender and education level of household head has a clear impact on the households food security status.

• Sorghum prices have increased by 11 percent compared to May 2011 and by 55 percent compared to the five‐year average.

• The minimum healthy food basket (MHFB) has significantly increased by 27 percent compared to May 2011 and by 60 percent compared to November 2010, from SDG 1.45 SDG/person/day in May 2011 to 1.84 SDG/person /day in November 2011.