Main Findings
• The proportion of food secure households in the IDP category has increased compared to February 2010. However, there is a significant drop in the proportion of food secure households in the resident community category compared to February 2010. This can be attributed to the increase in cereal prices and the early ending of seasonal support in October 2010.
• The price of the minimum healthy food basked (MHFB) has increased in February 2011 to 1.47 SDG per person per day, an increase of 24 percent compared to February 2010 and an 11 percent increase compared to November 2010. This is mainly due to the price increase on food commodities such as cereal, sugar and onion.
• IDPs in camps and mixed communities are heavily relying on wage labor and small business as their main income sources, while residents have access to more diverse income sources, such as firewood collection, livestock sales, donations in addition to wage labor and small business.
• On average, households spend 62 percent of their income on food, which is a slight increase compared to November 2010 (57 percent).
• More than four fifths of the interviewed households in February 2011 reported that they have not encountered any food shortages during February. This is a significant improvement compared to November 2010 and similar to the results from February 2010.
• There is a significant increase in the proportion of children (6‐23 months of age) who consume more than four food items in mixed communities (94 percent), compared to August and November 2010.
• Some 13 percent of IDP children, 3 percent of children in mixed communities and 15 percent of children in resident communities are moderately malnourished. Furthermore, 7 percent of resident children are severely malnourished.