Operational Highlights
New Ethiopian arrivals recorded in eastern Sudan: There was a slight uptick in the number of new arrivals compared to the previous week with 27 new arrivals recorded: 19 in Taya border entry point and 8 in Hamdayet Transit Centre.
Inter-agency response to fire in Tunaydbah camp: UNHCR and partners came together to provide assistance and support to 36 families affected in a fire in Tunaydbah camp on 4 February which resulted in one casualty. Refugee volunteers recently trained in fire-safety and response were quickly mobilized and provided psychological first aid. A joint needs assessment was coordinated by UNHCR, Sudan’s Commission for Refugees (COR) and partners following the blaze. MSF provided medical assistance while NRC cleared the ground, pitched tents and distributed core-relief items (CRIs)to the fire-affected families. Muslim Aid provided hot meals on the day of the fire prior to the provision of one-month food rations by WFP. UNICEF also distributed shoes, tshirts and scarves to children. UNHCR issued fire-affected families with new photo slips. Investigations are underway to determine the exact cause of the fire. Fire-preparedness and community mobilization remains a priority.