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Sudan + 2 more

Weekly Gedaref Operational Update #10, 5 - 9 Sept 2021


Operational Highlights

New arrivals into eastern Sudan recorded

Between 5-9 September, 18 new arrivals (13 Ethiopian and 5 Eritrean) were recorded in Hamdayet Transit Centre – a decrease of 15 individuals from the previous reporting period, bringing the total of refugees there up to 5,876. In addition, between 7 and 8 September, 232 Qemant new arrivals were recorded in Basundah, out of which 123 were registered and received life saving supplies.

Intentions surveys at transit centres

UNHCR and partners continued with the intention surveys in Hamdayet and Village 8 to assess whether refugees plan to relocate to the designated locations further inland, to gather data on persons with specific needs (PSNs), and to identify existing family ties with refugees already residing in the camps. So far, 126 individuals (105 households) and 393 individuals (211 households) have been surveyed in Hamdayet and Village 8 respectively.