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Sudan + 1 more

Urgent Aid from the Qatar Fund for Development was received through two aircraft of the Emiri Air Force carrying assistance to the Republic of Sudan for those affected by floods

Arrived today, two aircrafts from the Emiri Air Force carrying a shipment of aid, provided by Qatar Fund for Development in cooperation with Qatar Charity in coordination with the Embassy of the State of Qatar in Khartoum, arrived in the Republic of Sudan, to support the Sudanese people as part of an urgent relief campaign to address the floods facing the country.

The shipment contained 62 tons of food aid and 600 tents to support families affected by the floods. Since the 8th of August of this year, Sudan has been suffering from a wave of floods that hit more than twenty villages, and the outcome of the floods reached 79 victims and 31 injured, in addition to the material losses and the danger threatening the people, as this disaster caused many people to lose their homes and cause environmental and health problems for the people of the area on a longer-term.

The aids were received by The Ambassador of the State of Qatar to the Republic of Sudan, آH.E. Mr. Abdul Rahman bin Ali Al Kubaisi, the Sudanese Minister of Social Development, H.E. Mr. Ahmed Adam Bakheet, and the Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid, representatives of Qatar Charity and members of the Higher Committee for Emergencies.

This aid comes within the framework of the efforts of the State of Qatar and its firm commitment to provide support and stand by the Sudanese people, to provide them with urgent necessities, and to support them to stand up again and rebuild after this disaster.