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UNMIS SUDAN RCSO/Early Recovery Section Joint Weekly Report: 4-8 April 2011


Northern Sudan



  • From 1- 7 April 2011, ADRA/IOM’s Kosti team reported a total of 1, 510 individuals (321 HHs) passing through Kosti, with a slight decrease of 6% from last week’s figures. Main destinations were Upper Nile (36%), Southern Kordofan (22%), Central Equatoria (13%), and Eastern Equatoria (6%) with rest destined to other states in smaller numbers. ADRA/IOM’s Kosti team reported two SPLM organized movements for 49 individuals from Khartoum to Abyei town.

  • On Wednesday 6th of April pusher (Sedara) with 4 cargo barges departed Juba with 36 individuals (8 HHs) on board. As of the 7th of April 1,429 individuals (351 HHs) were awaiting transport, of which1, 105 individuals (286 HHs) were destined for Juba and 324 individuals (65 HHs) for Malakal.


  • WFP will continue on an exceptional basis to support all the returnees in town (57% of total returnees) with additional general food distribution (with ACAD as IP) from April to June.

  • WASH partners continue to repair and rehabilitate water assets south of river Kiir including Agok areas.

  • MSF-Agok extended its water supplies from its hospital water yard to the community thus providing additional water supplies to the Jol Jok community.