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UNMIS Sudan RCSO/Early Recovery Section Joint Weekly Report: 25 April - 1 May 2011


Northern Sudan

• From 22-28 April, the ADRA-IOM team in Kosti reported tracking a total of 2,214 individuals (480 households) passing through the transit hub indicative of a 7% decrease from last week. Main destinations were Upper Nile (28%), Central Equatoria (28%) and Southern Kordofan (27%), with the rest heading to other states in relatively small numbers.

• For this reporting period ADRA-IOM also tracked a total of 218 individuals repatriated through the government-organized movements to Upper Nile (110), Southern Kordofan (88) and Western Bahr el Ghazal (20).

• On 18 April, the pusher Doma departed Kosti for Juba with four cargo barges carrying 713 individuals (167 households) on board. By end of the week, 3,085 individuals (659 households) were waiting at the Kotsi wharf for southbound transport.