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United Nations Sudan Situation Report 7 Jul 2005

Key Developments

  • The GoS, SLM and JEM adopted the Declaration of Principles on 5 July in Abuja. The Declaration constitutes the first part of a framework agreement and is the first agreement signed by the parties since last November. The Abuja talks are to resume on 24 August to address power-sharing, wealth-sharing, security and interim arrangements.

  • A large unit of SPLM/A forces (as many as 1,500) and their equipment began a re-deployment from the Kassala area to Khartoum on 6 July. This unit is the SPLM/A's contribution towards the first Joint Integrated Unit (JIU) that is to be formed with the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) as per the CPA.

  • The 5th CJMC meeting was held on 5 July, chaired by the DFC. SPLA agreed to release 198 POW. SPLA and GoS are doing an audit on child soldiers involved in their respective organizations. The force structure report from SPLA will be delayed. Participants deemed the meeting a success.

Security Issues

North Darfur

On 2 July, at Om Remela village between El Fasher and Mellit, a private vehicle was stopped by three armed men. The armed men ordered all passengers to disembark the vehicle and drove it away. The stranded passengers and the driver were later rescued by GoS Police.

The security situation along Kebkabiya-Omm check point was tense on 6 July, after a GoS patrol in two Land Cruisers fired their weapons after passing through Kaura on 4 July. A GoS commander at Ad-Nabag claimed responsibility reporting that his troops were firing at rebels in the area.

Armed men tried to break into the residence of a UN national staff member in Kebkabiya during the night of 3 July. The aggressors fled and the UN staff member was unharmed.

South Darfur

An unconfirmed number of armed men entered Kalma camp during the night of 5-6 July, stole some items and shot in the air during the course of four hours in various locations, including some NGO compounds, the clinic and the central market, terrorizing IDPs.

An INGO compound in Nyala was broken into during the night of 5 July, the third incident of its kind in the last week and the sixth in the last two weeks.

On 3 July, two armed men attempted to loot the food distribution centre of an INGO in Kass (approx 85 km NW of Nyala). The intruders allegedly fired five shots at the guards but fortunately no one was hit. Both men then fled.

UN officials visiting the new Hashaba (El Salam) IDP Camp (approx 17 km S of Nyala) on 4 July, observed that both the AU Civ Pol and GoS police have been deployed there on a 24/7 basis. They will patrol the Nyala-Hashaba road regularly. In view of the improved security, the status of the road has been reverted to "GO."

A GoS military vehicle was ambushed between Sania Fandu and Yassin on 4 July. One soldier was wounded.

On 4 July, armed men attacked the village of Magarine (about 40 km south of Nyala) and stole about 20 sheep. A number of villagers chased the aggressors, resulting in an exchange of gun fire and the death of one villager.

West Darfur

On 5 July, a man was shot and injured by unknown armed men at Ardeba village.

South Sudan

On 4 July, a UN staff member was arrested in Waat by Nyirol county commissioner Commander. His arrest was confirmed by the Area Commander. The staff member has been accused of meddling in the local politics and some of the charges include: agitation for the removal of the county commissioner and giving persistent negative reports on security level in the area that has made UN agencies, international and local NGOs avoid the county. The staff member was released on 5 July after the situation was solved at local level.

Recent crimes in Juba may be attributable to GoS soldiers who have suffered a financial penalty as a result of the CPA by having war hazard pay removed. GoS soldiers have been charged in a recent burglary case. A rise in crime following the peace agreement was expected.

Protection Issues

North Darfur

Following the recent floods in the Danouj area of Saraf Umra, the IDPs will be relocated to a safer area. Local authorities have proposed an area that reportedly has been accepted by the IDPs, which will be verified today by IOM and OCHA. In the meantime, UNJLC has provided 1,200 plastic sheeting, 2,400 blankets and over 300 kg of soap to be distributed to all affected families.

A recent assessment team to Tawilla received reports that on 20 June six women collecting firewood at Um Jelbak were harassed by a group of armed men. Some of their belongings were taken, and two of the women were reportedly raped by the men. The women did not seek any medical attention.

West Darfur

Heavy rains in Mornei IDP camp have flooded its eastern section. Some 1,000 IDPs will need to be relocated to higher ground.

UNFPA is running a four-day workshop and ToT session on the clinical management of rape survivors for 18 medical officers from health organizations and the MoH in Geneina.

Political Affairs

On 6 July, the Sudanese National Assembly unanimously adopted the Interim National Constitution (INC), which lays the foundation for a new government to be formed. In accordance with the INC, President Bashir, First Vice President Garang and Second Vice President Taha will be sworn in on 9 July to mark the beginning of the Interim Period.

On 6 July, in Rumbek, the INC was also ratified by the National Liberation Council.

The first UNMIS team composed of the OIC and an administration officer deployed in Abyei on 6 July. They met the Deputy Area Commander and the SPLM/A delegation in town to inform them on the progress of UNMIS deployment in Abyei and the work for the establishment of the UNMIS camp there. A rustic camp is expected to be set up in 10 days to accommodate a UNMIS team of eight people including civilians, police, and military. The rest of the team is expected to arrive in the next two days.

Human Rights

The first hearing in El Fasher of the new National Criminal Court for Darfur Crimes (NCC) trials commenced on 5 July concerning two GoS Military accused of the unlawful killing in detention of a male minor from Kutum in March 2005 and causing injury to another male minor. The defendants were represented by two military legal Advisers from El Fasher. The alleged offences took place at the Hamia military base near Kutum. The proceedings are scheduled to continue 6 July.

Humanitarian Affairs


North Darfur

A WFP convoy with around 992 MT of food left El Fasher on 4 July, headed for the Tawilla and Dar el Salaam areas. The food will be distributed to the affected population in the remote villages of Korma and Um Khair. Another WFP convoy with 138 MT of food left on 5 July for two villages in rural El Fasher (Hillat Babiker and Hillat Numan).

West Darfur

On 6 July, a UN/NGO rapid assessment team in Sirba found that some 18 villages are currently facing severe food shortages. However, no conclusive evidence could be found regarding the high rates of malnutrition reported by SC-US.


In June, 618 MT of food were distributed to 63,000 IDPs and 76,000 refugees by WFP in Kassala.

South Kordofan/Nuba Mountains

600 Mt of food benefitting 69,000 people were distributed in South Kordofan (Nuba Mountains) in June. Reportedly, food prices have stabilized in the Kadugli area, but are still double compared to July 2004.


West Darfur

MC completed over 840 new latrines and rehabilitated a further 390 in Hassa Hissa and Shebab.

An UN-INGO interagency team is undertaking a rapid assessment of Seraf Fidad on 6 July. A nutrition survey carried out by SC-US between 12-20 June recorded high levels of malnutrition in the area.

On 3 July, an MSF-F mobile clinic made its first visit to Kutrum (north of Nertiti). The clinic will be in the area every Sunday.


South Darfur

Heavy rains are affecting road accessibility to Sania Afundu. OCHA has advised WFP to use the Ed Daein base as a dispatch centre for eastern South Darfur.