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United Nations Sudan Situation Report 14 Jun 2005

Key Developments

  • The Government and rebel movements continue their talks in Abuja.

  • The first leg of the three-leg JIM assessment mission to Darfur begins on 15 June.

  • The first leg takes a joint delegation of officials from GoS, UN and Partners on a twoday visit to West Darfur.

  • SRSG Pronk and DSRSG/HC/RC da Silva met today with Great Britain's Secretary of State for International Development, Rt. Hon. Hilary Benn, to discuss the implementation of the CPA, the humanitarian situation in Darfur and the South and the ongoing peace talks in Abuja.

Security Issues

West Darfur: UNMIS received a report today that a village west of Daya was attacked on 11 June by armed tribesmen. No further information is currently available.

On 12 June, a UNHCR team was stopped and taken to the police station in Habila by National Security, claiming that all humanitarian actors operating in the area need to check in. This is the third time that humanitarian workers are stopped by National Security in Habila, despite their blanket travel permit.

South Darfur: UNMIS received a report today that the situation in Marla, Um Kardus and Naama is still tense and that the inhabitants of Marla and Namaa were still hiding in the bush after the recent violence in the area out of fear of renewed hostilities and retaliatory attacks.

Protection Issues

North Darfur: The situation in and around Zam Zam camp remains tense. Two soldiers reportedly shot at a truck travelling along a near-by road on 12 June. During a meeting on 13 June with the AU and humanitarian agencies, IDPs expressed concerns that National Security personnel are intimidating people each time they are seen talking to high-level visitors.

West Darfur: According to an IRC update, around 1,000 people arrived in Zalingei camps in May. Most of the arrivals are secondary displacements.

South Darfur: A 12 June meeting between UN/INGO agencies and HAC focused on the need to give IOM/UNHCR a realistic timeframe to verify the voluntary and appropriate nature of return. GoS is pushing harder than usual for the return of IDPs in such a manner that would essentially discard the agreements reached with IOM and UNHCR.

Political Affairs

Sudan's National Criminal Court, established to try crimes in Darfur and due to establish its headquarters in El-Fasher, is expected to start work in Nyala today.

On 12 June, a delegation from local authorities (Al Walili, Minster of social Affairs and Police commander ) and Sheiks of tribes went to Azerni area (Azerni 45 km west of Geneina, West Darfur) to identify the herders path during the seasonal movements in the rainy season (from July to September).

UN Police

FHQ Juba has extended its programme for basic police training and offered it to GoS Police in the region. The offer is being considered and it is hoped that a positive response will result. Apart from enhancing police skills at the bottom level, it would make a significant contribution to confidence building between police.

Humanitarian Affairs


White Nile: On 12 June, ADRA says it distributed 15-day full food ration to 47 households (166 people) on their way to destinations in the Upper Nile (Kodok, Lool, Malakal). ADRA also distributed NFIs which included plastic sheeting, mosquito nets and blankets.

Unity: OCHA reported that food distribution started in Bentiu yesterday. The distribution will target 56,335 IDPs and will include Sorghum and pulses. CSB and salt supplies are limited. Vegetable oil and salt supplies have not been received and will be distributed at a later date. Distribution is expected to last 5 to 6 days.


Abyei: FAO received from the Ministry of Agriculture confirmation that there is no outbreak of Anthrax in the Abyei area. The report that cattle had died as a result of Anthrax poisoning proved false. It was found that the cattle had died due to the high stress levels generated by the long trek from the southern dry areas as well as the heavy and prolonged rains in Abyei. The situation is now under control.


White Nile: OCHA registered 87 households (139 people) on 13 June passing through Kosti on their way to various locations in the south bringing the total number of returnees recorded in the area since 12 February to 4,638 households (14,427 people).

Upper Nile: Yesterday 92 households (352 persons) passed through Malakal from Kosti in their way to their homes in lower Sobat. WFP provided these returnees with food assistance while non-food assistance was provided by ADRA.

Bahr El Ghazal: No humanitarian assistance has been able to reach those stranded in Meriam due to road conditions. As roads have dried up, trucks are again carrying an unknown number of IDPs stranded in Meriam south through Malwal, Marwar and Aweil. The last reported truck movement was on 26 May. There is no further information on the number or status of IDPs in Meriam. The OCHA field monitor plans to visit the area in the coming days.

Abyei: On 12 June, a coordination meeting of humanitarian agencies found that more returnees are expected to transit through Abyei on their way to home destinations in the south and that even though it was now well-known that road conditions are poor, returnees insisted on using them, even by foot. The meeting recommended that humanitarian agencies facilitate the returnees' journey to home destinations, particularly those on foot, by providing food and medicine. WFP has been, for the last four days, providing emergency food targeting 2,000 returnees. UNICEF has provided NFIs comprising plastic sheeting, blankets, washing soap and two drug kits (which will be distributed by GOAL). IOM plans to build a way station in Abyei capable of holding 500 persons.

Since 6 June, buses containing an estimated 700 people arrived in Abyei. The majority of the returnees are women and children with men comprising 15 per cent. Most of the returnees are from Khartoum but a few of them are from Kosti and Shendi and Khartoum camps such as Thawra, Gerief and Soba Aradi. OCHA requested local authorities to have the bus drivers take the returnees to Bontone, which is 6 km south of Abyei. It is from this location that returnees walk. As the returnees pass through Abyei WFP along with SC-UK distribute a 15-day full food ration. During the past week, 600 rations have been distributed, leaving 1,400 in store. Those who received food were moved on foot to their areas in SPLM held territory. UNICEF has allocated NFIs for 500 households. Agencies will meet later today to agree on how to handle the NFIs and the OCHA Field Monitor will report back on 14 June.