Key Developments
On 10 July, in accordance with the CPA, President Bashir issued several decrees, including the lifting of the state of emergency in all states of the country except for Darfur, Kassala and the Red Sea states and the discharging of duties of GoS officials until the GNU is formed. The President and his two Vice-Presidents decided that the National Congress Party and the SPLM will form a Joint Committee for Political Consultation, with a view to forming the upcoming GNU.
Security Issues
West Darfur
On 10 July, the area around the Geneina camps was declared a GO area for UN agencies as the situation returned to quiet after the weekend's violence.
On 10 July, banditry activities were said to be prevalent in the general area of Takalang and Jameza villages, 7 km south of Nyama.
North Darfur
Humanitarian workers from an INGO and GoS-WES were held for one hour on 10 July near Kafod at a checkpoint said to be manned by JEM forces. Their vehicle was stopped by six armed persons who boarded the vehicle and instructed the driver to drive southeast of Kafod where further questioning took place. The four men were then released. The following items were kept by the armed men: a Toyota vehicle, a satellite telephone, a mobile telephone and cash. The released men spent the night in a nearby village and later made their way to El Fasher. No injuries were reported.
On 11 July, between four and six armed men entered Zam Zam camp during a food distribution session. They demanded a vehicle, and, when this was refused, they shot in the air and took a car and driver belonging to an INGO. It was reported that the camp is currently calm.
Eastern Sudan
In Kassala on 10 July, the SPLM/A troops of the Khartoum Independent Brigade in the process of redeployment from Eastern Sudan to Khartoum were still in Kassala due to weather-related delays. Currently, this unit is housed in GoS' barracks roughly 12 km from the centre of town.
Protection Issues
North Darfur
To reduce incidents of SGBV, a community leader in Birkat Seira has made an arrangement with local men to go and collect firewood instead of the women. This arrangement has led to a marked reduction of incidents, with only two assaults on the men reported over the last two months.
On 10 July, OCHA and UNICEF conducted an orientation session in El Fasher for 49 new Zambian African Union CivPol officers. The session included child protection and general protection issues, the general humanitarian situation and humanitarian agency responses to the Darfur crisis.
UNICEF has started the process of creating 17 child-friendly spaces in Saraf Umra and Birkat Seira.
West Darfur
IRC re-established bi-monthly firewood patrol meetings at Hamadiya and Hassa Hissa camps (Zalingei) with representatives from the AU, female IDPs, sheikhs, and the humanitarian community.
South Sudan
In Malakal on 7 July, WFP, UNICEF and ADRA provided food and NFIs to the 120 IDP families (753 individuals) but shelter is still lacking.
Political Affairs
Civil Affairs
North Darfur
On 10 July, Civil Affairs held a meeting with prominent lawyers in El Fasher in an effort to gauge their reactions to the recently signed Declaration of Principles (DoP) in Abuja, the newly formed Presidency, and the Interim Constitution of Sudan. The lawyers agreed with the DoP as a framework for discussion, but raised concerns over some aspects of the text. They called for it to be more inclusive, as armed movements do not represent the people and views of all the people of Darfur. The lawyers believe that the Interim Constitution is well-drafted, legally speaking, but they complained that it does not give room for amendments, particularly on the powersharing issue. On the other hand, they are very hopeful that the presence of Dr. John Garang in the Government of National Unity will help influence policies, particularly when it comes to resolving conflicts in Sudan. They noted that the new Presidency has already called for the resolution of the conflicts in Darfur and Eastern Sudan.
Civil Affairs in El Fasher met King Rahmatallah, Chairman of the Native Administrative Council, Head of the Native Courts and Deputy Chairman of the North Darfur tribes, to gauge his opinion on the signing of the DoP. The King expressed his full support for the DoP, as he thinks it is the only option for resolving the conflict in Darfur and represents the will of the people. He called on the parties to adhere to the framework to reach a political settlement in Darfur and resolve all security issues to provide a conducive environment for IDPs to return.
Civilian Police
UN Police met the Main Public Council of Abyei on 10 July. The Council members welcomed the presence of the UN in Abyei and expressed their views that the people of Abyei were now safe due to the UN presence.
Humanitarian Affairs
A humanitarian assessment mission to Miganis, originally scheduled for 12 July, has been postponed until 13 July. The assessment mission is deploying following reports of the flooding and destruction of 820 houses. The postponement is due to HAC Kosti having received instructions from HAC Khartoum to begin assessments in the Gitaina area (230 km north of Kosti, 70 km south of Khartoum), which is also affected by floods.
On 12 July, UNICEF began two-day workshop with UN, NGOs, GoS and SPLM officials on their 2005 work plan, including return issues.
In Kadugli, return figures for five entry points for the month of June show a substantial decline from 9,500 the previous month to 7,000 in Southern Kordofan. The decrease in returns could be due to the onset of heavy rain in the region.
North Darfur
The fifth round of the national polio vaccination campaign was launched in North Darfur on 11 July.
WHO is investigating reports of a meningitis outbreak in Yei county. Two samples of suspected ebola from Yambio district have been confirmed as measles cases after further testing in Nairobi. Four cases of cholera have been identified in Narus and Sudan Medical Care is currently following up.
Unity State
In Bentiu, the water treatment plant is still out of order, resulting in an increase of diarrhea cases from 108 last week to 160 now. The water and sanitation issues remain problematic as UNICEF lacks funding to address the situation.
Upper Nile State
Cross line food deliveries to Yuai in Upper Nile began on 12 July. The joint North/South WFP team visited Yuai on Friday and Monday to assess the situation but political and logistical complications delayed intervention until today. The food drops are targetting 6,500 beneficiaries with 89.94 MT (cereals 65.81, pulses 7.31, CSB7.31, oil 4.39, salt 1.46, sugar 3.66).
There have been reports of severe food insecurity in Cueibet county from humanitarian monitors of the SRRC. Food was delivered to several locations in Cuibet County at the end of June by WFP but none has yet been distributed (on the orders of the County Commissioner) due to insecurity in Citcok. Although the security situation has calmed, Citcok is now inaccessible due to heavy rains. WFP plans to send the distribution for Citcok to Cuiebet, and WFP will distribute on the ground. However, an inter-agency mission is being planned by OCHA and WFP to assess more accurately the situation in Cueibet.
UNMIS Military Deployment
JMC medal parade held in JMC rear headquarters in Khartoum on 11 July. The FC and nominated military personnel were presented the JMC international monitors' medal by the Head of Mission of the JMC as a token of goodwill between UNMIS and the Joint Military Commission.
Sector Two (Wau)
The UN is in the process of building two new camps in the Rumbek area. The camps are expected to be completed by the end of October and November. The total number of UN camps in this area will be three by the end of the year. Sector Four (Kadugli)
On 11 July, Kauda TS members visited the Kudiba police training centre where 450 police recruits are being trained. They also accompanied UNMAS personnel in visiting Heiban mine storage.
Sector Six (Abyei)
A combined patrol (UNMOs and UN CivPol) from Kadugli to Abyei was carried out on 11 July. The patrol also visited an INGO that gives health assistance in and around Abyei town. The patrol held a meeting with the local chairman of SPLM/A. The discussion covered a range of issues such as demobilization and the dissemination of the CPA.
Administrative Issues
An orientation workshop for Heads of Field Offices, Regional Administrative Officers, Military and Police components was held at the Mission HQ on 10-11 July. The purpose of the workshop was to inform the participants of the expectations of the mission and their roles and responsibilities during the initial deployment phase to the field offices. The SRSG, PDSRSG, DSRSG and the FC opened the session by describing their aim to have all field offices operational by the end of July and expressed their full support in this regard. The Heads of Field Offices will meet every month and the next meeting will be held in Khartoum in August.