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UNICEF Sudan Humanitarian Situation Report, September 2017



• UNICEF continues to deliver lifesaving integrated interventions in Jebel Marra: In September, 163 severely acutely malnourished (SAM) children in West Jebel Marra were admitted for treatment In addition, UNICEF provided medical treatment for common childhood illnesses to 478 children under five years of age from West, North and Central Jebel Marra through support to community health workers, and provision of measles vaccines to 2,378 children under two years old.

• An inter-agency mission carried out in Deribat town, as well as Jabra and Kidineer areas in East Jebel Marra locality, South Darfur state, unveiled that an estimated 105,000 people, including around 54,600 children, in 46 villages are in need of assistance. This is the first time aid agencies have been able to access Deribat in seven years. UNICEF and other agencies are preparing their response.

• The acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) outbreak continues to affect especially women and children in all 18 states. In September, UNICEF reached more than 4.36 million people in AWD affected and at risk areas with improved purified drinking water through continued disinfection of more than 2,018 water sources in nine affected states.

• To date, UNICEF Sudan has received US$ 27.54 million in contributions for its Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) appeal. The 2017 HAC appeal has a funding gap of US$ 58.97 million (61 per cent gap). The most urgent needs are to contain the cases of AWD, responding to the malnutrition emergency in some of the newly accessible localities and communities in the Jebel Marra area, and supporting the newly arrived South Sudanese refugee children and their caregivers.

Situation Overview and Humanitarian Needs

An inter-agency mission carried out from 10 to 15 September to Deribat town, as well as Jabra and Kidineer areas in East Jebel Marra locality, South Darfur state, unveiled that an estimated 105,000 people, including around 54,600 children4 , living in 46 villages are in need of assistance. This is the first time aid agencies have been able to access Deribat in seven years. UNICEF plans to expand the provision of integrated lifesaving interventions in newly accessible areas in East, North, Central and West Jebel Marra, including scaling up of treatment of severe acute malnutrition (SAM), vitamin supplementation integrated with vaccinations, integrated management of childhood illnesses and promotion of key household practices such as exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, and handwashing with soap.

In September, a severe acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) outbreak was reported from East Jebel Marra in South Darfur. Malnutrition, lack of improved water sources, open defecation and frequent human mobility are some of the main catalysts. The integrated support provided by UNICEF has reached more than 4.36 million AWD affected population and people at risk nationwide through water, sanitation, health, nutrition, education, child protection, hygiene promotion and behaviour change interventions. About eight per cent of cases are in children under the age of five, the most vulnerable age group.

Heavy rains and flooding since early June have affected over 99,000 people including around 52,000 children and destroyed over 19,000 houses in many parts of Sudan, according to the Government and partners. The most affected states are White Nile, South Darfur, North Kordofan, Gezira, Sennar, West Darfur and Kassala5 . In Sudan, heavy rain and floods constitute a seasonal threat putting children’s lives at risk of epidemics, and hampering the delivery of essential supplies and services to vulnerable communities. UNICEF has prepositioned supplies based on its forecasting and considering access hurdles as well as provided sanitation and hygiene support to the flood affected population through distribution of latrine slabs, soap, chlorine tablets and scaled up hygiene promotion, solid waste management and water quality monitoring activities in North and South Darfur State.