The number of suspected cases of acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) has been declining for six consecutive weeks with only 50 new cases in the past week, and one related death. The case fatality rate (CFR) has declined from average 30 deaths per week to less than two in the last three to four weeks. Currently, only three states report active case transmissions. The focus in now on updating the current plan to increase the investment on preparedness and prevention while continuing the important ongoing response.
UNICEF continues to deliver lifesaving integrated interventions in Jebel Marra. In October, 505 severely acutely malnourished (SAM) children in three Jebel Marra localities were admitted for treatment. In addition, a total of 3,678 out-patients including 1,677 children under 5 were consulted at six Primary Health Care (PHC) centers and the operation of three mobile clinics was supported.
As a part of the Action Plan to protect children from grave violations by partied to the conflict, the UN and the government of Sudan concluded monitoring and verification missions to military barracks in all conflict states including receipt of command orders from all security forces prohibiting recruitment and use of children, among other actions.
To date, UNICEF Sudan has received US$ 37.37 million in contributions for its Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) appeal. The 2017 HAC appeal has a funding gap of US$ 49.14 million (51 per cent gap). The most urgent needs are to respond to the malnutrition emergency in some of the newly accessible localities and communities in the Jebel Marra area, and supporting the newly arrived South Sudanese refugee children and their caregivers.
Situation Overview and Humanitarian Needs
In October, the caseload of acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) reduced considerably as a supported by six months intensive integrated response by the Government of Sudan, WHO, UNICEF and partners. UNICEF and partner are now focusing on planning and scale up the investment on prevention of AWD to fully contain the situation. Taking integrated actions such as accelerating behavioural change, reducing malnutrition, increasing access to improved water resources, improving access to primary health care services, as well as strengthening capacity development of partners and service providers, is the key to prevent future outbreak of AWD and other epidemics.
In East Darfur, interagency assessment in out-of-camp/settlement areas of South Sudanese refugee was conducted through end of September to beginning of October covering the needs of an estimated 33,000 refugees, out of which over 60% are children. The assessment identified 128 Unaccompanied and Separated children, and lack of birth registration documentation for 11914 children. UNICEF continues to focus on support to out-of-camp children that are some of the most vulnerable, and committed to scale up its integrated support through education, health, nutrition, protection, and water and sanitation interventions.