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Sudan + 1 more

UNICEF Sudan Humanitarian Situation Report, November 2017



  • In Blue Nile, an intensive community mobilization campaign was conducted in newly accessible areas (mainly Alkali, Mangano and Turnasei localities) by the State Ministry of Health, UNICEF and partners. Some 3,101 children under 5 years were screened and 441 children were found with severe acute malnutrition. All children identified as acute malnutrition were enrolled into appropriate treatment programmes, while many of the severely malnourished children are in critical condition requiring immediate inpatient care.

  • In East Jebel Marra, South Darfur, an interagency assessment was organized in Leiba village where there are around 28,000 internally displaced people of which about 13,440 of whom are children. This was the first time aid agencies have been able to access Leiba in seven years. The assessment identified the need for health, food security, education, water and protection interventions for 45,000 people including the host community members.

  • The Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict visited Sudan during the period of 26th to 29th November 2017 in coordination with the UN Country Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting, comprising the African Union / United Nations hybrid mission to Sudan (UNAMID), the Office of the Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator and UNICEF. Through this visit, UN gained strong commitment to address remaining gaps in the implementation of the Action Plan from the Government of Sudan.

  • UNICEF and partners have provided educational support to 2,231 (600 girls and 1,631 boys) out of school children in emergency situations, through the provision of essential education supplies in Central Darfur.

Situation Overview and Humanitarian Needs

In Blue Nile, an intensive community mobilization campaign was conducted during the month of November by UNICEF in collaboration with the State Ministry of Health in newly accessible areas, including Alkali, Mangano and Turnasei localities. 3,101 children under 5 years were screened and 441 children found with severe acute malnutrition. An additional 745 children were found with moderate acute malnutrition. All children identified as acute malnutrition were enrolled into appropriate treatment programmes, while many of the severely malnourished children were in critical condition requiring inpatient care. UNICEF and partners are working to develop an immediate integrated response plan to save the lives of children.

In East Jebel Marra, South Darfur, an interagency assessment was organized in Leiba village where there are around 28,000 internally displaced people of which about 13,440 of whom are children. Most of the displacement took place during the conflict in the area between 2010 and 2016. This was the first time aid agencies have been able to access Leiba in seven years. The assessment identified the need for health, food security, education, water and protection interventions for 45,000 people including the host community members. UNICEF plans to expand the provision of integrated lifesaving interventions in newly accessible areas in East, North, Central and West Jebel Marra, including scaling up the integrated response with vaccinations, integrated management of childhood illnesses, primary health care, providing essential education supplies and protection services, improving access to safe water as well as nutritional support.

The caseload of acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) remains low in Red Sea and Central Darfur states. UNICEF and partners are planning and focusing on scaling up the investment on prevention of AWD through increased behavioural change engagement, increased access to improved water resources, improved access to primary health care services, as well as strengthening capacity development of partners and service providers