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UNICEF Sudan Humanitarian Situation Report No. 19 for May 2024



  • The devastating impact of the war is pushing the country towards famine and a catastrophic loss of life. UNICEF is prioritizing its response in 93 priority 1 localities, and those with the highest GAM rates, in line with the inter-agency multi-sectoral famine prevention action plan.
  • Since last year, UNICEF and partners reached 10.9 million children and their families with safe drinking water, 9.2 million people with health services through supplies provision, 7.3 million children with malnutrition screening – over 400,000 with life-saving treatment, over 2 million children and caregivers with psychosocial counselling, learning, and protection support, and 436,800 mothers, children and families with cash, information, and services to preserve health and resilience.
  • UNICEF urgently requires US$240 million for its famine prevention response in Sudan in the coming 6 months to reach 3.5 million children under-five residing in the 93 most vulnerable localities in Sudan.