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Sudan + 1 more

UNICEF Sudan Humanitarian Situation Report, March 2018



2.6 million children in need
5.5 million people
# of people who need Humanitarian Assistance
(Source: Sudan Humanitarian Needs Overview 2018)

960,000 children internally displaced
2 million people
# of internally displaced people
(Source: Sudan Humanitarian Needs Overview 2018)

468,475 South Sudanese refugee children
767,992 people
# of South Sudanese refugees in Sudan in total

UNICEF Appeal 2018 US$ 115.14 million


• In response to the Jebel Marra nutritional situation in Central Darfur, 1,353 children suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM) received life-saving treatment combined with Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI), through delivery of 500 cartons of Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) and 5 IMCI kits transported on the backs of donkeys, horses and camels as vehicle transportation is not possible in the area, due to the mountainous topography.

• In Central Darfur, North Jebel Marra locality, a joint government and interagency assessment mission including UNICEF was conducted in seven villages. The estimated total population in the locality is 264,000, 60 per cent of whom are women and children. Significant needs have been identified and preparation for an integrated response plan is ongoing.

• The State Ministry of Health in Central Darfur, and Water and Environmental Sanitation project (WES) together with health and WASH partners, have developed a six-month (9 Feb – 31 Aug, 2018) integrated health and WASH response plan to address the current and ongoing outbreak and better prepare for future outbreaks.

• UNICEF supported the transportation of 1,110 children to attend their basic education grade eight exams, a test to transit from primary to secondary education, in East and South Jebel Marra

Situation Overview and Humanitarian Needs

In Central Darfur, a joint government, UN and NGOs assessment mission with UNICEF participation was conducted in Rokero town and six other villages in North Jebel Marra locality between 14 and 21 February 2018. The assessment covered an area inhabited by residents, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees from Sortony, Tawila and El-Fasher. An estimated 60 per cent of the population are women and children. Only 37 per cent of health facilities (9 out of 24) are functioning, out of which only four were providing integrated treatment for Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM). In the assessed areas, only four out of seven health facilities provide nutritional services and the remaining health facilities only deliver health services, with malnourished cases either referred to the far distant North Darfur or Rokero. Also, only 25 per cent of households (HH) have latrines, and only two health facilities have incinerators. The available schools in the area are poorly constructed, using local materials, and it was observed that around 85 per cent of children are out of school in the villages covered by the assessment. Five out of seven communities reported cases of violence against children and issues regarding child labour and abduction. UNICEF, together with partners, is working on the preparation of an integrated response plan that will cover, among others, the Child Protection, Education, Nutrition and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) interventions.

Since the start of 2018, the deteriorating economic situation in Sudan continues to impact on the population especially the most vulnerable, including 2.6 million children in need of humanitarian assistance. An inter-agency assessment to identify the effect on the most vulnerable population is ongoing. Also, UNICEF Sudan office has requested technical support from a social policy specialist in the Middle East and North Africa Regional Office to help with analysing the potential impact of the crisis on the Sudanese population, particularly children in a more comprehensive and integrated way, in addition to other relevant areas of support.