ICT Handover Reflects UNDP Sudan’s Commitment to Stay and Deliver in Country
Port Sudan – UNDP has handed over information and communications technology (ICT) equipment to the Federal Ministry of Health in Port Sudan to support national and state emergency operations centers and disease surveillance in Sudan. The equipment is intended to strengthen health systems and is set for distribution across six states in the country.
Dr. Heitham Mohammed Ibrahim, the Federal Minister of Health for Sudan presided over the transfer for the Government while UNDP Resident Representative for Sudan Luca Renda represented UNDP in the event.
The equipment provided by UNDP Sudan, through the support of the Global Fund, will support and strengthen epidemiological and disease surveillance by enhancing digital transformation, facilitating early warning alert and response systems (EWARS), and ensuring real-time disease surveillance systems and emergency response. The equipment will be distributed across six states in Sudan:
- Kassala
- Northern State
- River Nile
- Gedarif
- Red Sea
- Khartoum State.
Among the equipment that will be distributed as part of this transfer are: 6 Video conference sets for 6 locations with smart screens; 31 Laptops; 92 Desktops; 6 Printers; and 1210 telephone and wireless devices. The total value of this transfer of equipment is US$ 331,393.
This handover comes after a previous handover of medical equipment valued at over US$ 2.5 million by UNDP Sudan to the Federal Ministry of Health with funding from the Global Fund
“For us, it’s fundamental to work with national systems, to strengthen national capacity, this is the mission and the mandate of UNDP, even in a challenging time like this,” said Luca Renda, UNDP Resident Representative for Sudan.
UNDP Sudan has been committed to staying and delivering in Sudan, specifically to continue its development mission by supporting the people of Sudan. Itswork in health and social wellbeing focuses on strengthening the country’s health systems, preventing and respond to health emergencies, and ensuring universal health coverage through primary health care (PHC), with a special focus on HIV and TB services. UNDP Sudan has been the principal recipient of grants from the Global Fund since 2005.
This year, UNDP will look to invest US$ 32 million in the Sudanese health sector:
- US$ 25 million funded through the Global Fund,
- US$ 1.3 million from the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
- US$ 6 million in partnership with the Government of Sudan to support procurement of essential PHC medicine, including insulin and dialysis.
For more information on UNDP’s Sudan Crisis Offer, visit www.undp.org/sudan
For more information please contact Lameese Badr Lameese.Badr@undp.org or David Mikhail David.Mikhail1@undp.org.
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