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UNAMID supports North Darfur displaced women with empowerment and peace event

EL FASHER – Some 50 displaced women participated in a UNAMID-supported economic empowerment and peace event in El Fasher, North Darfur recently.

Run as part of the ‘Darfur Women Talking Peace’ campaign, the 19 December event took place at the Abu Shouk IDP camp.

In addition to discussing peace and women’s issues, participants – who came from Abu Shouk and Al Salam IDP camps -- took part in income-generation training on food processing, including how to make pasta. Each participant received a pasta machine, along with printed materials carrying peace messages that they were encouraged to share with their communities.

Ashraf Eissa, a UNAMID representative, told participants that the training aimed at empowering displaced women, particularly widows and new graduates. Mr. Essia explained that the pasta machines would help participants generate income for their families and communities.

Nafisa Mohamed Ibrahim, Head of the Women’s Association at Abu Shouk camp, commended UNAMID’s continued efforts to support displaced women in North Darfur. Ms. Ibrahim emphasized that workshops such as the current one help strengthen relations among women at the camps while also providing an opportunity to learn new skills.

Aziza Abaker, a food processing trainer at the Ministry of Education, North Darfur, said that the event would help to educate participants on the importance of social peace in their communities. Ms. Abaker said that it was her hope that women’s lives would be improved as a result of their participation.

Hawaia Adam, from Al Salam IDP camp and a participant representative, said that the training was an important way for women to support their families.

“The women participants benefited from the training and they will share what they learned today with other women in the camps,” said Ms. Adam.

The event was supported by UNAMID’s Community Outreach unit in partnership with the Internally Displaced Women’s Union and the Ministry of Social Affairs in North Darfur.