On 25 March 2015, some 100 young women from different localities across North Darfur completed a three-month vocational training course at the Women’s Development and Peace Building Network in El Fasher, North Darfur. The training, which was provided as part of the Mission’s Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) Section’s Community-Based, Labour-Intensive Projects (CLIPS) programme, furnished participants with the opportunity to acquire livelihood skills in computer applications, sewing, shoemaking and handcrafts.
Similarly, the second batch of the training session, consisting of 120 youth, including 20 persons with disabilities, celebrated their graduation in the El Fasher Technical School on 29 March, where the Mission provided start-up kits and computers for the graduates. The ceremony was attended by Adam Mohamed Adam, Minister, Youth and Sport; Salih Elsheikh, youth union representative, Adam Khalifa, Principal, El Fasher Technical School and UNAMID officials.
In his remarks, on behalf of the trainees, Sheikh Edin Abdalla, thanked UNAMID for its support toward youth across Darfur.
The training session, which began on 10 December 2014, is part of the DDR Section’s efforts to address the needs of youth and other vulnerable groups at risk of being mobilized into armed movements and criminal groups due to lack of education, employment and basic life skills.