On 20 April 2015, UNAMID’s Civil Affairs Section- Sector North conducted a technical and monitoring visit to three completed rihood projects in Kuma locality. Rihoods are natural water catchments used to store rainwater for use by nomadic communities during the dry season in Darfur when they face severe water shortages.
The rehabilitation of these rihoods has been jointly carried out by UNAMID and local implementing partner, Nomadic Development Council, and is funded by the Government of Japan.
During the visit, the Commissioner of Kuma locality, Mohammed Ahmed Juzu, who accompanied the UNAMID team, reiterated his gratitude to the Mission for its efforts to bring peace and stability to Darfur throughout implementation of developmental projects.
“We are very grateful to UNAMID for initiatives that contribute to peace among our communities and are ready to cooperate with the Mission in all its projects to achieve its mandated tasks,” he said.