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Sudan/Darfur: MP killed in south, suspects arrested for attack against peacekeepers

A parliamentarian of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) was shot dead near Nyala, capital of the South Darfur state. Based on first reconstructions, Hassan Tageddine Hassan al-Helw came under attack by unidentified gunmen. "The gunmen demanded that the car stop and then they opened fire, killing him and the two people in the car with him", the local police said. The episode comes amid renewed tension and insecurity in the Darfur region, theatre to an internal conflict and a serious humanitarian crisis. The governor of North Darfur, Yousif Mohammed Kibir, yesterday announced the arrest of six people in connection with an attack that last week left five peacekeepers of the joint UN-AU mission in Darfur (UNAMID) dead. The governor specified that the suspects are under interrogation and will soon be handed over to judicial authorities.
