The African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) previously documented incidents where fourteen women and girls from both Kalma and Utash IDP Camps in South Darfur State were sexually violated. A follow-up with the victims indicated that six of them got pregnant due to failure to get medical attention. Three other victims; two from Kalma and one from Utash camp got abortions.
Ms. Salma, a rape victim from the Aljeer neighborhood located North East of Nyala town, South Darfur also ended up getting pregnant.
Victims’ Testimonies
Ms. Mona (not a real name) a 24-year-old resident of Center 6 in Kalma Camp was raped by armed men dressed in RSF uniform on 25 December 2023 at Barli Valley also known as Nyala Valley. She testified to ACJPS that “in January 2024, I visited the health Centre because my monthly period was late. I took a test and after about 15 minutes, the medical officer came and informed me that I was pregnant. I couldn’t control my tears after receiving the news because of the circumstance under which I got pregnant. I gathered some energy, returned home, and told my parents and siblings who have always supported me. It has been difficult for me to accept the situation and how it will affect my life. My mother refuses to entertain the idea of abortion…,” she said
On 12 December 2023, Ms. Shahidah (not real name) a 33-year-old resident of Center 4 in Utash Camp was raped among a group of other female IDPs by a group of armed men in RSF uniform at one of the stores in Almasani aka Industrial neighborhood in Nyala. “In January 2024, I found out that I am pregnant. I informed my husband who was away at the time and we decided to terminate the pregnancy because I couldn’t accept what had happened to me and having the baby would only make the situation worse. The stigma from people in the community was also affecting me negatively...,” she testified
A credible source informed ACJPS that the number of rape victims getting abortions is more than reported because of the stigma surrounding it.