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Sudan: UNAMID categorically denies plans for live-fire exercises in North Darfur

El Fasher, 10 November 2008 - Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) Public Service Announcements were broadcast by El Fasher Radio yesterday morning to inform the population that the UNAMID Force would conduct live-fire exercises in the Dirwat Fashar area, east of El Fasher (North Darfur), from Monday 10 to Friday 14 November 2008.

These announcements warned citizens to stay away from the mentioned area to preserve their own lives and the safety of their properties.

UNAMID categorically denies that it has planned, or will conduct, any live-fire military exercises. Had this been the case, UNAMID would have advised the Sudanese authorities, the media, and the population, directly and well in advance.

UNAMID Acting Force Commander intends to take up this matter with the SAF authorities for an explanation of their announcements and to ask for the release of an appropriate correction, addressed to the same media which received their initial communication.