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Sudan + 8 more

Sudan Situation: UNHCR External Update #76, 23-29 August 2024



 On 25 August, the Arba’at Dam, located about 38 km northwest of Port Sudan, Red Sea State, collapsed due to flash flooding caused by heavy rains severely affecting more than 50,000 people.
This dam is the primary water source for Port Sudan and the damage will affect the water availability at a critical time, when cholera cases are rising. Humanitarian partners and authorities are conducting assessments to establish the extent of the damage caused by the dam collapse and address the urgent needs of the affected people. UNHCR is planning to provide core relief items.

 On 22 August, the Sudan refugee situation in Libya was declared a level two emergency which will assist with the deployment of additional resources, including staffing, funding, and supplies. This scale-up has been made possible with the cooperation of Libyan authorities, who have facilitated access to affected areas, allowing UNHCR and partners to deliver critical aid to those in need.
Sudanese refugees continue to arrive through key entry points such as Alkufra, Tobruk, and the southern border.

 Ethiopia's Refugees and Returnees Service (RRS) and UNHCR have established a new refugee site, Aftit, in the Amhara region following the closure of two other sites, Awlala and Kumer. The site, which can accommodate up to 12,500 people, is already hosting more than 3,000 refugees. Despite heavy rains, efforts are being made to develop the site further, focusing on integrating refugees into local education and health systems.