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Sudan + 8 more

Sudan Situation External Update #94 (22 - 28 December 2024)



  • During the reporting week, flooding in White Nile State, Sudan displaced over 7,750 internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in 13 gathering sites to nearby mosques and schools and affected 93,600 host community individuals, with significant damage to homes and farmland. This has also affected two western refugee camps, Joure and Alderis. However, no displacements or damage to property have been reported.

  • An overall 66 per cent decrease in new arrivals in South Sudan was noted in the reporting week compared to the previous week. Among the population groups, South Sudanese nationals decreased by 76 per cent while the number of refugees and asylum-seekers decreased by 60 per cent during the reporting week. Of the total new arrivals (5,070), 29 per cent were South Sudanese while 71 per cent were refugees and asylum-seekers from other nationalities.

  • Needs in the eastern region of Libya are escalating due to the ongoing influx of Sudanese arrivals, with particular gaps in health, WASH, cash, food and shelter services. WASH infrastructure is overstretched risking the spread of disease. Immediate support for increased access to water and latrines is required.