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Sudan + 7 more

Sudan Situation External Update #86 (27 October - 2 November 2024)



▪ Thousands of families have fled recent clashes in Al Jazirah, Sudan. According to the International Organization for Migration’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (IOM DTM), more than 135,000 individuals have been displaced since 20 October, with most relocating to Gedaref, Kassala, and River Nile states. UNHCR and its partners swiftly mobilized to provide essential support, setting up shelters, providing clean water, hot meals, and hygiene assistance, and distributing 500 relief kits in Kassala. In Gedaref and River Nile states, UNHCR continues to work closely with local authorities to address the urgent needs of displaced families.

▪ Since the conflict began in Sudan, Chad has received 710,472 refugees. In October alone, some 60,000 Sudanese refugees arrived following intensified fighting in Darfur and the seasonal retreat of floodwaters.

▪ During a recent visit to the Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement in Uganda’s Kamwenge District, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees commended Uganda for its progressive policies promoting refugee self-reliance and urged for more support from the international community for innovative and sustainable approaches. He emphasized the importance of long-term support strategies, especially as global resources become more constrained, and noted that fostering self-reliance among refugees is a crucial step toward resilience and independence.

▪ Mpox continues to affect multiple countries in the region. Uganda is responding to an outbreak that has resulted in 359 confirmed cases and one fatality, including four cases among refugees who have since recovered after receiving treatment. UNHCR, in partnership with health authorities and district surveillance teams, is actively involved in coordinating response efforts, including implementing screening measures for new arrivals to prevent further spread.

▪ In South Sudan, the Ministry of Health declared a cholera outbreak in Renk, with a total of 79 cases reported, 53 of which have been confirmed. UNHCR is working with partners to scale up response activities and establish additional treatment facilities to manage patient care effectively.