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Sudan: Sectoral Cash Snapshot, November 2024


Situation Overview

The conflict between the Sudanese Army Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has led to a severe humanitarian crisis, displacing more than 11.8 million people within Sudan and outside as well as causing widespread acute food insecurity. The conflict severely disrupted access to basic services, including healthcare, clean water, and electricity. Public infrastructure has been severely damaged in affected areas, and facilities are often targeted or inaccessible due to ongoing hostilities. Many hospitals and clinics had to close, leaving people without access to medical care, while shortages of food and clean water have worsened, exacerbating the risk of malnutrition, disease outbreaks such as cholera, and overall mortality risk. Despite liquidity shortages, high inflation, disruptions in market supply chains and other negative impacts of the conflict, humanitarian cash interventions remain a viable response modality, particularly in areas with access restrictions for in-kind assistance. Humanitarian organizations are using cash and voucher assistance (CVA), where feasible, to reach people in need through financial service providers (FSPs), while monitoring market functionality and local prices through the monthly Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI). During November 2024, 219,000 people in 16 out of Sudan’s 18 states were reached with sectoral cash assistance and remained at the same level compared to October. This indicates that of every 100 people assisted across Sudan during November, 27 persons – or 27 per cent of all people who were reached with humanitarian assistance that month - received it in the form of cash or vouchers. All sectoral CVA is coordinated by respective clusters, with technical and coordination support from the Cash Working Group (CWG).


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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