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Sudan + 6 more

Sudan Refugee Multi–Sector Fact Sheet [EN/AR]


There are over 150,000 refugees and asylum seekers in Sudan, many of whom have urgent humanitarian needs.


• Insufficient access to asylum procedures and documentation for refugees and the risk of deportation.

• Basic and urgent humanitarian needs in the areas of WASH, health, food assistance and education for a total of157,600 refugees and asylum seekers (142,000 refugees and 15,6000 asylum seekers, of who 75,000 are men and 82,000 are women) from Eritrea, Ethiopia, Chad, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Somalia (as of 30 June 2012). An additional estimated 52,000 refugees are expected to return to Sudan in the course of 2013.

• Increasing risks of human trafficking, people smuggling and kidnapping of victims and vulnerable groups with specific needs.

• Limited options for self-reliance and livelihoods resources for vulnerable refugees and refugee returnees.