Global acute malnutrition (GAM) levels for children under-five in Sudan stand at 16.4%, which is above the internationally accepted emergency “critical” threshold of 15%.
• Over 750,000 children are expected to suffer from severe acute malnutrition in 2013. Currently less than 15% of these children have access to treatment.
• One in three children in Sudan is stunted; over 2 million children are unlikely to ever reach their full potential in terms of physical and intellectual development.
• There is a need for an integrated approach to treatment of acute malnutrition incorporating WASH, health and nutrition to deliver a combined package of care for both moderate and severe malnutrition. There is also a need for innovative approaches to programming for prevention of malnutrition in order to have an impact on stunting and reducing the acute malnutrition caseload.
• There are a limited number of nutrition partners in Sudan due to operating restrictions and limited national and local capacity.